Advanced Grammar (minimum 5 - maximum 12) Judy Palmer
Does your student need a brush up on grammar before beginning more advanced literature classes? Or maybe your student didn't really get the hang of sentence structure and diagramming. This is the perfect course designed for the student with limited writing experience. In addition to proper grammar necessary for excellent writing skills, this course will also teach professional editing symbols and will incorporate students self-editing their papers.
All students beginning 8th or 9th grade level are welcome. The course is $350 with a $25 supply fee.
Journey into the Wonder of Words - Beginning Writing / Grammar
(minimum 5 - maximum 12) Judy Palmer
Journey into the Wonder of Words begins with students writing sentences and phrases correctly, paying attention to verb agreement, conjugation and sentence structure. My course is designed so students can increase their writing skills to further an idea development, coherence and effective communication with the reader. Students gain the writing and researching abilities that will help them succeed in higher education. Typically, students' vocabularies increase along with their reading abilities in this class. Students learn to scan written materials for information that will be useful for research purposes. In the latter part of the class, students learn to write creatively as well as to demonstrate their skills by researching and writing term papers. They write papers and practice using a writing style and structure that is acceptable at the university level. Often, students edit their own work for basic grammar, style and spelling mistakes.
All students beginning 8th or 9th grade level are welcome. The course is $350 with a $25 supply fee.
American Literature (minimum 5, maximum 12) Kimberly Schimmel
This class will be a college prep course focusing on reading and analyzing books, poems, and short stories from American literature. This course will have weekly reading assignments as well as several papers and essay exams. The emphasis will be on essay writing, with one longer paper during the year requiring MLA format.
On completion of this class, students should be able to identify and use literary elements such as figurative language, support an argument with textual evidence, and use a style guide to format a paper. The student will be familiar with many great works of American literature.
· Anthem by Ayn Rand (Fall)
· The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain (Fall)
· Evangeline by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Fall)
· Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Eliot (Fall)
The required book list for the spring, tentatively, will include: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper, and a collection of speeches and poetry.
All books may be purchased new or used in any edition so long as they are not abridged. Student will also need to have a notebook and access to a computer for internet access and word processing
-Exams: 50%
-Essays and recitations: 30%
-MLA paper: 20%
The course cost is $350 with a $25 supply fee.
British Literature (minimum 5, maximum 12) Kimberly Schimmel​
This class will be a college prep course focusing on reading and analyzing books, poems, and short stories This course will have weekly reading assignments as well as several papers and essay exams. The emphasis will be on essay writing, with one longer paper during the year requiring MLA format.
On completion of this class, students should be able to identify and use literary elements such as figurative language, support an argument with textual evidence, and use a style guide to format a paper.
BJU British Literature 2nd Edition (ISBN – 978-1-60682-181-7) used all year
For spring, tentatively, students will also need a copy of Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary by J.R.R. Tolkien (ISBN-978-0-544-44278-8)
Student will also need to have a notebook and access to a computer for internet and word processing
-Exams: 40%
-Mid-term paper: 30%
-Final Paper: 30%
The course cost is $350 with a $25 supply fee.
If you need more information about the literature courses being offered, use the message form to contact us.