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Please download and fill out the application form (2 pages) along with the course checklist. A registration form for each student should be completed. One check can be made out to Journey Homeschool Fellowship for the registration fee and supply fee. A separate check must be made out to Guilford College UMC for the building fee. Postdated checks for the first and second semester must be given at the time of registration. They will not be cashed until the first day of class in August and the the first day of class in January.
Our in-person registration dates are February 17 for existing Journey families and March 9 for the general public. After March 9, appointments may also be set up with Chrissy Black during our regular class hours. After Journey classes end, registration may be completed by mail until July 31. Please mail your registration forms, along with your payment to:
Chrissy Black
308 Jackson Street
Jamestown, NC 27282
To request more information:
Contact us using the provided form or email at:
You can also request more information with this form:
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